Lucene-Grep a.k.a. lmgrep


  "name": "Dainius Jocas",
  "company": {
    "name": "Vinted",
    "mission": "Make second-hand the first choice worldwide"
  "role": "Staff Engineer",
  "website": "",
  "twitter": "@dainius_jocas",
  "github": "dainiusjocas",
  "author_of_oss": ["lucene-grep", "ket"]


  1. Intro
  2. Whats inside Lucene-Grep?
  3. Use cases
  4. Future work
  5. Discussion


  • lmgrep is a CLI full-text search tool
  • Interface is similar to grep
  • Based on Lucene
  • Lucene Monitor library is the main building block
  • Compiled with the GraalVM native-image
  • Single binary file, no external dependencies
  • Supports Linux, MacOS, Windows


  • Used Elasticsearch Percolator for some basic named entity recognition (NER)
  • Needed to deploy to AWS Lambda, Elasticsearch was not an option
  • However, I really liked the idea of expressing entities as full-text queries
  • Found the Luwak library, deployed on AWS Lambda, however it ran on JVM
  • Gunnar Morling blog post about GraalVM native-image Lucene on AWS Lambda
  • Convinced Red Hat devs to open source and release quarkiverse/quarkus-lucene
  • Hacked Lucene Grep

grep vs lmgrep

 echo "Lucene is awesome" | grep Lucene
 echo "Lucene is awesome" | lmgrep Lucene

Installing the lmgrep

brew or a shell script on Linux

mv lmgrep /usr/local/bin

brew on MacOS

brew install dainiusjocas/brew/lmgrep

scoop on Windows

scoop bucket add scoop-clojure
scoop bucket add extras
scoop install lmgrep

Whats inside?

  • Reading from file(s)
  • Searching for files with GLOB, e.g. ‘**/*.txt'
  • Reading from STDIN
  • Writing to STDOUT in various formats, e.g. JSON
  • Text analysis pipeline
  • Multiple query parsers
  • Text tokenization with **--only-analyze**flag
  • Loading multiple queries from a file
  • Full-text search
  • lmgrep -h for the full list of available options

Text Analysis

Custom Text Analysis Issue

  • At first exposed several CLI flags for text analysis
    • a problem with order of execution
  • Lucene analyzers are Java classes
  • For a CLI tool, exposing Java classes is not a good option
  • Something similar to Elasticsearch analysis syntax is needed

Text Analysis Definition

    "char-filters": [
      {"name": "htmlStrip"},
        "name": "patternReplace",
        "args": {
          "pattern": "foo",
          "replacement": "bar"
    "tokenizer": {"name": "standard"},
    "token-filters": [
      {"name": "englishMinimalStem"},
      {"name": "uppercase"}

Various Query Parsers --query-parser


  • The default one
  • When googling for the Lucene query syntax, the first hit
echo "Lucene is awesome" | lmgrep --query-parser=classic "lucene is aweso~"
echo "Lucene is awesome" | lmgrep --query-parser=classic "\"lucene is\""


  • similar to the classic query parser
  • but phrase queries are more expressive
echo "jonathann jon peterson" | lmgrep --query-parser=complex-phrase "\"(john jon jonathan~) peters*\""


  • similar to the classic query parser
  • BUT any errors in the query syntax will be ignored and the parser will attempt to decipher what it can
  • E.g. given term1\* searches for the term term1*
  • Probably should be the default query parser in lmgrep


  • Implementation of the Lucene classic query parser using the flexible query parser frameworks
  • There must be a reason why it comes with the default lucene dependency


  • Constructs span queries that use positional information
echo "Lucene is awesome" | lmgrep --query-parser=surround "2W(lucene, awesome)"
  • if the term order is NOT important: W->N
echo "Lucene is awesome" | lmgrep --query-parser=surround "2N(awesome, lucene)"
  • WARNING: query terms are not analyzed


  • Just apply the text analyzer on the input text and output the list(s) of tokens

--only-analyze: basic example

echo "Lucene is awesome" | lmgrep --only-analyze

--only-analyze: custom text analysis pipeline

echo "<p>foo bars baz</p>" | lmgrep --only-analyze --analysis='
    "char-filters": [
      {"name": "htmlStrip"},
        "name": "patternReplace",
         "args": {
           "pattern": "foo",
           "replacement": "bar"
    "tokenizer": {"name": "standard"},
    "token-filters": [
      {"name": "englishMinimalStem"},
      {"name": "uppercase"}

--only-analyze with --explain

echo "Dogs and CAt" | lmgrep --only-analyze --explain | jq
    "token": "dog",
    "position": 0,
    "positionLength": 1,
    "type": "<ALPHANUM>",
    "end_offset": 4,
    "start_offset": 0
    "end_offset": 8,
    "positionLength": 1,
    "position": 1,
    "start_offset": 5,
    "type": "<ALPHANUM>",
    "token": "and"
    "position": 2,
    "token": "cat",
    "positionLength": 1,
    "end_offset": 12,
    "type": "<ALPHANUM>",
    "start_offset": 9
  • The idea is similar to the Elasticsearch’s _analyze API
  • No need to recreate an index on every custom analyzer change

--only-analyze: output for graphviz

  • TODO


Loading queries from a file

echo "I have two dogs" | lmgrep --queries-file=dog-lovers.json
    "id": "german_language",
    "query": "hund",
    "stemmer": "german"
    "id": "english_language",
    "query": "dog",
    "stemmer": "english"
  • load all queries once
  • 100K queries takes about 1s to load on my laptop

Full-text search

mkdir demo
cd demo
echo "Lucene is awesome" > lucene.txt
echo "Grep is awesome" > grep.txt
lmgrep lucene **.txt

Full-text File Search with Score

mkdir full-text-search || true
cd full-text-search

echo "Lucene is awesome" > lucene.txt
echo "Lucene Grep is build on Lucene Monitor library" > lucene-grep.txt

lmgrep "Lucene" '**.txt' --no-split --with-score --format=json | jq -s -c 'sort_by(.score)[]' | tac | head -3 | jq

Source Code Search

  • Specify a custom analyzer for you programming language
  • E.g. WordDelimiterGraphFilter that “MyFooClass” => [“My”, “Foo”, “Class”]
  • Enable scoring
  • Output hyperlinks in a (supported) terminal emulator to the specific line number

Alternative to Elasticsearch Percolator

  • Start a lmgrep with open STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR pipes for inter-process communication
require 'open3'

@stdin, @stdout, @stderr, @wait_thr = Open3.popen3("lmgrep lucene")

@stdin.puts "Lucene is awesome"


Future work

  • Your issues
  • Machanism for shared analysis components
    • now only inlined text analysis config is supported
  • LMGREP_HOME for keeping all the resources in one place
  • Release analyzer construction code as a standalone library
  • Melt your CPU
    • Use all CPU cores to the max for as short as possible
    • Do not preserve the input order
  • Optimize --with-scored-highlights option
    • Sort output by score
  • Analysis components with inlined data
    • E.g. inlines stopwords list, not a file


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